Discussion / mailing list launch!

17th July 2024 by Genevieve Clifford

A quick update! I have launched a discussion / mailing list for my PhD project for updates about the project, and for discussion amongst folks interested in the work I am undertaking. Many thanks to the wonderful folks at Geeks for Social Change (GFSC) for hosting this!

If you’d like to join this mailing / discussion list, you can do so at this link. Alternatively, send a blank email with the subject join to trans-digital-inequality-request AT lists DOT gfsc DOT studio, and then follow subsequent instructions. The list archive is available here but is only readable by folks who have joined the mailing list successfully1.

If you have any questions, concerns, or need help, email me at trans-digital-inequality-owner AT lists DOT gfsc DOT studio!


  1. Subscribers must confirm their email address, and then I will manually moderate your application; the list’s archive is accessible only to folks who have gone through this process and administrators on the GFSC Mailmain server. Archives are not publicly accessible. List membership is visible to myself and GFSC administrators only