
On this page I link to everything I’ve made in the past few years (for formal academic publications, check the research page).


Overclocked: AI gender recognition and trans people

An essay I wrote for CSDM03 (Computational Skills for Digital Social Scientists) as a follow-up to work previously undertaken by Os Keyes (2018) on the operationalisation of gender in AI / HCI research spaces, I found little had changed. I have permission to publish this here from the module co-ordinator. [LaTeX Source].


Building queer technology counterpublics: The case of the Trans Tech Tent

A zine I made summarising my MSc dissertation where I worked with Trans Tech Tent (T3) to understand how trans people use technology in Wales and how T3 levels inequity in accessing technology for trans people in South Wales.



A script written in Ruby to transform remote iCal feeds into formatted text using eRB. Can also be used to send an email containing this formatted text. Useful for summarising upcoming events for a weekly email digest; currently used by Ambition’s Graveyard and the FITLab Reading Group at Swansea University.


A web ring for folks doing work combining computing with the social sciences, arts, and humanities. You can see links to this at the bottom of this page.


A starting point (more a template) for a static site that combines Hugo and Vue.js and uses the kasi Hugo theme.


A theme for Hugo websites based on my common CSS (kule).


CSS and other assets for creating consistently themed websites; currently used across all of my hosted websites.


  1. Keyes, Os. 2018. “The Misgendering Machines: Trans/HCI Implications of Automatic Gender Recognition.” Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2 (CSCW): 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1145/3274357.